Bee Yourself & Spring Forward

It’s Spring here in NYC, and as the flowers bloom, it’s a great time to stop and look around. We can get so caught up in our “stuff” but Mother Nature likes to flex her talents come Spring, and show us what she can do to help lift us up!

custom felt ball tree

So in the spirit of creation, I wanted to create some new ornament, tree and wreath designs to celebrate nature’s beauty.

This Pug Bee Tree was a custom order request. I love custom orders because they give me a chance to create something I might not have thought of on my own. I fell in love with this tree and the little pug bee!

This is a medium felt ball tree, which measures 11″ high without the pug topper.

This little guy inspired me to create more new ornaments for Spring and Summer.

Below are the new ornaments added to the All That Inspires Spring & Summer Ornament Collection. Pug butterflies, pugs with seashells and pugs with starfish, along with the pug bee were added. Each is handmade and hand sewn.

I hope to be able to create a new Spring/Summer Wreath with some of these guys!

But I don’t want to forget about the ornaments that were already in this collection. These include; a pug with a watermelon, a pug with a surfboard, a pug with a beachball and a pug wearing sunglasses.

As always, each can be done with a fawn pug, black pug or white pug.

I worked on a few more items that could fit here, but I’ll save them for another day!

Bee happy! Although we are all allowed the grace to not bee sometimes too!

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